IAS Brains


Answering a very subjective paper

Its quite a daunting task to get mastery of answering a very subjective paper. It can test the integrity and the problem-solving ability of the aspirant with issues mostly related to the day-to-day encounters in one’s lives. As the title suggests it about testing the attitude and approach related to integrity in public life.

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Man in black long sleeve shirt holding orange folder
Overhead shot of homework and papers

Two segments

The module based coaching in IAS BRAINS focuses in making the aspirant competent enough to take up questions for the two segments mentioned below:

  1. Theory
  2. Case Studies


This part of the module focuses helping the aspirants write impressive answers related to values related to Civil Services, Good Governance, Emotional Intelligence etc. The aspirants will be guided to effectively uses sources like newspaper, personal life examples, lives of eminent personalities to frame simple and effective answers related to definition of ethical values and its application to daily lives

Case Studies

This is a crucial part of the paper which makes the students ready to encounter bureaucratic dilemmas in professional life. The approach to this part is largely based on largely the logical reasoning capability of the aspirant. Its important for the aspirants to follow a standard framework, word limit and time management for the answer while maintaining the coherence, articulation and enumeration for the answer.

Both the above segments can be steered through easily with constant practice and apt answer writing practices and valuation.
Course duration: 30 sessions

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